Saturday, May 29, 2010

RE: Luke pole dance

How Sweet!

Jenny Mateyoke, Realtor
Rector Hayden REALTORS
2100 Nicholasville Road
Lexington, KY 40503
Cell 859-533-9427
Fax 859-422-0997
To see all listings in Central KY

-----Original Message-----
From: Jon Steckbeck []
Sent: Saturday, May 29, 2010 6:30 PM
To: Jon Steckbeck Blog - Peanut Butter Pedalers
Subject: Luke pole dance

Luke pole dance

Friday, May 7, 2010

2010 Face of America Video

The response from the Face of America Bike Ride images I shared last week was overwhelming.  Thanks to everyone for your support and positive comments.  As a result, I decided to put this 6 minute video together. Please sit back, and enjoy.  The video may be viewed in high-Def and Full Screen modes at YouTube here:

Please feel free to share the video with the world.  Remember it is never to late to make donations to World Team Sports to support future events here:
In an effort to track contributions stemming from this video, consider making the donation in honor of 


If you are interested in the images from last years FOA ride, please see the albums linked below:
2009 Face of America - Best of the Best (166 Images):
2009 Face of America - Album1 (470 Images):
2009 Face of America - Album2 (500 Images):
2009 Face of America - Album3 (192 Images):

Please contact me individually if you intend to publish any of the photos outside of personal use.  For special circumstance I can produce the full resolution images that were simply too large to share online.

Luke and the Rubik Cube

Sent from my tricorder.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

CFOT WOD Finale - Steck-CON Series

Jerry offered us an opportunity to program a WOD as our going away gift.  Of course this was an honor for us so we obliged.  Here was the pain storm I concocted.  It took me 27:11 to do the Delta version coming off a respiratory cold.  I still think it can be done in under 25 minutes ;-)  (Leslie just asked me to make mention that she had "nothing to do with this insane concoction.")  She just popped an 800mg Vitamin "M" and is heading out the door for the 9:15 class....