Monday, February 16, 2009
Pictures from the 13 Feb Ultrasound
Triathlon baby already!
Sorry no sex yet, we will get to see what parts it has at our next appointment which is on March 31st.
I'm still having good and bad has been pretty brutal. I even stayed home for the day which I'm glad for because I don't know that I would've made it at work.....and I have a thing about going home sick in the middle of the day....such a waste:-)! At any rate, I've done nothing but eat, sleep and throw up!
We finally got around to talking about where the baby will live and decided it will go in my closet:-) Hold on, don't judge so fast! Those of you who have been to my house know I use one whole room upstairs as my closet. The house we live in is old and wonderful, but the closets are as big as a shoe box and you have no idea how much I love shoes! So we will re-arrange all our closets and move my stuff out of the "yellow" room.
We have a lot of "stuff" to get rid of and once the weather starts to be a bit warmer we will start organizing and deciphering what will go, what will stay, what will be sold and what will be thrown away. I've realized I don't need 5 sets of dishes, 14 bamboo baskets and 50 vases, let alone 65 kimono's and 100 obi's! But don't even think about my 300 pairs of shoes:-)> Uh-oh, I hope my feet don't change sizes from this pregnancy! But on second thought does that mean I get to go shopping for more shoes!?!
So I had my first maternity clothes shopping experience. I went to the cutest little boutique (that was my first mistake) here in Alexandria called the Apple Seed, where I promptly spent over $400 on 5 items! Jon almost pooped himself when I happily showed him what I'd achieved on my shopping trip! I explained that nothing works unless it's "real" maternity clothes....and don't you understand I need NICE clothes for work!? We finally negotiated a deal that I would keep the 3 pairs of pants that are a must-have and return the 2 shirts that added up to nearly $200. Yeah, okay so being pregnant makes you go a little insane temporarily...or at least that's what I'm claiming:-) Okay back to the deal, I would return the two shirts if Jon would go WITH me and actually help me look for clothes at Target and Old navy. (He found that these two places carry great clothes for close to nothing in the "baby bargains handbook". I was sure to prove him wrong and was quite excited about it actually, but.......we found 12 pieces of clothing for $120 at Old Navy and they're actually really cute and will work for work. (I absolutely hate it when he's right!) And by the way, the styles these days are such that none of the clothes we bought were maternity! Hopefully they will last the whole pregnancy, but even if they don't I know I don't have to spend an arm and a leg on them....More money to spend on the baby! :-) And Jon was a trooper and even said he, "actually had fun shopping with me!" We've been married for 10 years and he has NEVER enjoyed shopping!
Gotta run and get some food in my belly! Pics to follow.....
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Week 11
Last Sunday (Feb 8th) it was 64 degrees and it was a most marvelous day! I felt so good, I didn't even feel like I was pregnant. I ran 7 miles and washed a car with Jon....I even wiped up the bathroom floor!
I've been able to Crossfit everyday this week and even kicked Jon's butt once:-)! I've decided to sub out sit ups and box jumps but that is about it thus far. I hammered out 100 chin ups yesterday with no problems (except I keep slipping off the new bars!)
I have my 12 week appointment tomorrow at the National Naval Medical Center in Bethesda MD (this is where I will deliver the little one).
Okay, I must sign off for the evening because my awesome boss is watching over me now:-)>
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Let the Good Times Roll!
Okay, so the Fajita meal was a disaster! But……I’ve had two good days in a row! |
Monday, February 2, 2009
I try to not complain much, but I just can’t help myself anymore! This whole eat and throw up thing can really bring a girl down! The food just won’t stay down and it’s really getting old. I know I only have two weeks or so left of this (I hope) but come on! I ate 4 times this morning before finally keeping down popcorn of all things……J At least it wasn’t a quarter pounder with cheese and fries today. Yep, that’s my good ol’ stand by when nothing else sounds good and/or won’t stay down. I think I’m reverting back to my youth…..I used to eat McD’s on a daily basis! And now I’m craving what I used to call “yellow rice” the Rice a Roni San Francisco treat!
Today my craving was for Fajitas and I was able to get it at one of the restaurants nearby. Yummy, it was sooooo good! I hope it stays with me! (Not much better than McD’s but…..)
Thanks for reading!